Investigation and analysis of Chinese dehydrated vegetable industry and forecast of market prospect Test Report (2018-2025)

Dehydrated vegetables, also known as rehydrating vegetables, are fresh vegetables after washing, drying and other processing and production, take off most of the water in vegetables and made of a dry vegetables.Vegetable original color and nutrition composition basically remain unchanged.It is not only easy to store and transport, but also can effectively regulate the vegetable production in the off-peak season.When eaten, the vegetables can be restored by soaking them in clean water and retaining their original color, nutrition and flavor.

According to the survey and analysis of China’s dehydrated vegetable industry and market Outlook forecast report (2018-2025) released by China Industry Research Network, dehydrated vegetables not only taste good and have fresh color, but also maintain their original nutritional value.In addition, it is smaller than fresh vegetables, light weight, water will be restored, transportation and easy to eat, and so on, and people’s favor.With the continuous acceleration of people’s pace of life, fresh vegetables can no longer fully meet the needs of people’s life, dehydrated vegetables began to enter more and more modern life.According to the market situation up to **, the proportion of processed vegetables in China is still very small, and people’s consumption is mainly fresh vegetables.

Up to **, the world’s annual output of dehydrated vegetables is about 1 million tons, while China’s annual output is about 250,000 tons, accounting for about 25% of the world’s total production and 40% of the world’s total trade in dehydrated vegetables.Due to the rapid development of the world food industry in recent years, there was once a shortage of dehydrated vegetables and a large gap in the market.Therefore, export to overseas business opportunities unlimited.At the same time, dehydrated fruits and vegetables also have great market potential in China.Supermarkets and instant noodle manufacturers in major and middle cities are also in great demand for dehydrated fruits and vegetables.

Chinese dehydrated vegetables industry analysis and market outlook report (2018-2025) “the analysis of dehydrated vegetable market by big into small, from macro to micro, on the basis of the data, in-depth analysis of the dehydration vegetable industry in the market positioning, dehydrated vegetables industry development trends, dehydrated vegetables, dehydrated vegetables market key enterprise management status, related policy and dehydrated vegetables dehydration vegetable industry influence, etc.

Post time: Oct-19-2020